mathematics in architecture

Proportions in Architecture

Proportions play a vital role in architecture as they contribute to the overall harmony, balance, and visual appeal of a structure. Proportional relationships between different elements and the overall composition are carefully considered by architects to create aesthetically pleasing and well-balanced designs. Here are some key aspects of proportions in architecture: Golden Ratio: The golden …

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Fractal Geometry of Conical Section In Temple Architecture

In Progress……… While the direct application of fractal geometry in shikhara architecture is not explicitly documented, some scholars have drawn connections between certain aspects of shikhara design and fractal patterns. It’s important to note that these connections are speculative and interpretive, rather than being based on specific historical evidence or documentation. Here are some observations …

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Shikhara Architecture Types

Shikhara architecture refers to the distinctive style of temple architecture commonly found in India. The word “shikhara” means “mountain peak” or “summit” in Sanskrit, and it aptly describes the tall and curvilinear tower-like structures that dominate the temples built in this style. Shikhara architecture geometry is predominantly associated with Hindu temples, although it has also …

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shikhara geometry 3

Temple Fractal Architecture

Fractal geometry is a fascinating mathematical concept that involves the repetition of patterns at different scales. While Hindu temples are renowned for their intricate and elaborate designs, it’s important to note that the direct application of fractal geometry in traditional Hindu temple architecture is not explicitly documented. However, some scholars have drawn comparisons between certain …

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Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

Mathematics in Buildings

Introduction: We frequently ignore the sophisticated mathematics and engineering principles that enable the towering skyscrapers and majestic bridges that beautify our cities. Buildings that are secure, effective, and aesthetically pleasing are designed and built using structural engineering, which is fundamentally based on a strong understanding of mathematics. We will explore the key ideas and calculations that define the architectural …

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cardinal theory in architecture

While the term “Cardinal Theory” is not widely recognized in the field of architecture, there is a theory known as the “Cardinal Points Theory” or “Cardinal Orientation Theory” that has some relevance. The Cardinal Points Theory suggests that the orientation of a building or architectural structure in relation to the cardinal directions (north, south, east, …

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Guggenheim Bilbao conic section

Conic Sections : mathematics in architecture

Conic sections in architecture, such as circles, ellipses, parabolas, and hyperbolas, have been used in building design for a long time. Architects have utilised these geometric forms into a variety of structures because they have special aesthetic qualities and characteristics. Let’s examine some prominent instances of conic-section buildings and their relevance. 1. The Pantheon in Rome, Italy. The Pantheon …

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